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Improve Your Close Rates and Build Your Brand. With Chris Smith [Episode 564]

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Chris Smith, CEO of Curaytor, and author of the best-selling book, The Conversion Code: Capture Internet Leads, Create Quality Appointments, Close More Sales, joins me on this episode.


Chris says the single biggest challenge facing sales reps today is distraction. Reps need to focus on meaningful conversations with humans. Chris says technology, used correctly, makes it easier, if you work on engagement.

AI may start conversations and warm people up, but it doesn’t close sales. Know your numbers. Use digital activities to help salespeople talk to more people.

Chris gives an outline of Curaytor. It is a turn-key marketing outsource site. Curaytor has a team and a network of business owners who can use each other’s best ads with a click.

Chris explains the Curaytor CAB process. Curaytor helps you Create amazing Content, run effective Ads, and send effective Blast emails. This makes selling easier using data-driven decisions with the resources of a community.

Curaytor’s ICP is a successful small business that wants to be more successful but doesn’t have time for digital. Curaytor started from Chris’s influential real estate blog, Tech Savvy Agent. People wanted him to market for them.

Chris talks about his book, The Conversion Code. People don’t know how to navigate the digital landscape, so he wrote a book about it, in sections for leads, appointments, and sales. There’s a science to selling.

Your job in sales is to get people more emotionally excited than the price, during the time you have their attention. It involves a set of factors that Chris explains.

‘Belly-to-belly’ interactions are still as important as ever, but you will have fewer of them if you are not good on social platforms first, to get the attention of your prospects. The internet magnifies both greatness and mediocrity.

Build a great business that creates a great brand. Market what you did to build your business. That improves your brand. It is a cycle.

Chris comments on the professionalism of texting with your contacts. People check texts more readily than emails, and texts are more immediate. Don’t let replies to your website sit for hours without your contacting them. Text them.

Chris coaches salespeople. When they find a method that works every time, they stick with it. Texting works, if they give it a try. A phone method that works is ARP: Acknowledge, Respond, and Pivot back to what you were saying.

Respond, then pivot. A sales script is a framework for a better conversation. Wing it, after you’re making $10K a month using the script. Bill Belichick knows the first 20 plays and the last 2 plays, and the rest, Tom Brady has some leeway.