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Does it Have to be Quality vs Quantity in Prospecting? w/ Bridget Gleason [Episode 255]

Today’s conversation is all about the pros and cons of quantity vs. quality when it comes to proactive prospecting by inside sales teams.

Welcome to another Front Line Friday with my very special guest, Bridget Gleason. We also dig into what should you be doing to fill your pipeline with qualified opportunities and increase your close rate. Join us now!


What are the pros and cons of quantity vs. quality when it comes to proactive prospecting?

Inside sales is a tough, metric-based business. Is there room for quality?

Metrics for SDR’s are pointing more toward a certain stage of opportunity, rather than simply getting meetings.

Are activity goals changing for SDRs? Or is it simply teaching people to make better use of their time?

Given the charter to increase close rate on qualified opportunities from 23% to 45%, what would Bridget change in her process?

What is Andy’s take on increasing a low close rate on qualified opportunities?

Are there particular issues that should trigger the rapid disqualification of prospects? Or, that would cause you to qualify a disqualified prospect?

Is Bridget a good prospect to buy a Maserati?