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5 Resolutions for B2B Sales Success

Revenue Blog  > 5 Resolutions for B2B Sales Success
3 min readJanuary 3, 2020

The New Year is always a time to look at ways which we can improve ourselves. For some it’s hitting the gym more often, and for others it’s spending more time with your family. But for many sales professionals, it’s also a time to consider new ways to capture better clients and close bigger deals.

New Years Resolutions ConceptHere are some recommended resolutions for B2B sales professionals that will help you improve your game in the coming year:

Take it to the Top

You can spend all day talking to employees at enterprise companies, but get nothing to show for it. Simply “getting someone on the phone” should never be enough. Your goal should be to get the right person on the line – the person who has the power to greenlight those big sales. Getting a key decision maker on the phone often requires more prep time, but that time often pays off. Often, a single conversation with the right contact trumps 10 conversations with wrong ones.

Stay Social

Remember, leads are often cold until they’re hot. Staying on top of a leads’ social media feeds is an excellent way to take your sales to the next level. Revenue.io Mobile’s social media monitoring capabilities can help you have the right conversations at the right time. Mine a contact’s social feeds for actionable talking points based on their real-life pain points. Every time you see a prospect tweet a frustration related to something you offer, you should regard it as a window of opportunity.

Improve Sales and Marketing Alignment

Believe it or not, the job of every marketer is to help sales professionals close deals. If marketing isn’t providing you with qualified leads, or if the decks or other collateral marketing is providing you with isn’t helping, consider speaking up. With the right tools, Sales and Marketing can gain visibility into which efforts are moving leads through the conversion funnel and which aren’t. Improved sales and marketing alignment is an almost a sure-fire way to close bigger and better deals.

Increase Your Follow-Up Frequency

We already wrote about the importance of sales follow-up. If a lead is worth having one conversation with, he or she is almost always worth following up with. Try to contact qualified leads at least three or four times before giving up. Revenue.io makes it easy to give a lead a call or send a quick follow-up email while on the go.

Bring Your Own Device

Is your office giving you the tools to reach your full potential? If not, consider bringing your own. More and more businesses are adopting bring-your-own-device (BYOD) programs. Sometimes the best way to win a war is by expanding your arsenal. That iPad you got as a gift for your last birthday just might be worth its weight in gold. Revenue.io mobile can turn your iPad into a supercharged sales weapon, allowing you to gain access to valuable customer information before, during and after every call.

With the right mindset and the right tools, it’s only a matter of time before you are closing more deals than ever before.

Also, we recommend checking out this list of ebooks for B2B sales professionals.
