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Selling is hard and is only getting more challenging. 93% of revenue leaders expect buyer objections to increase and many companies are reporting longer sales cycles. During those crucial initial discovery meetings, sellers routinely fail to meet buyers’ high expectations. As a result, 72% of sales leaders don’t expect their teams to hit quota. Many […]
Conversation Intelligence Software For Sales We’ve talked about Conversation intelligence software for sales a few times here at Revenue, in our blog, our well-loved sales terms glossary, videos, and more. Although most know it is a technology solution that helps analyze and extract valuable insights from sales conversations, many don’t recognize how it is operationalized […]
The business landscape is becoming increasingly competitive, prompting organizations to continuously seek ways to enhance their sales processes and optimize revenue generation. Among the strategies that have gained significant traction is sales enablement. In this blog post, we will delve into AI-powered sales enablement, uncover its benefits, and examine how it can substantially contribute to […]
Accelerating Deals: A Strategic Approach to Pipeline Management In the fast-paced sales world, identifying and expediting promising deals is essential for any business looking to meet its revenue goals. Today’s sales and revenue operations teams leverage advanced pipeline management techniques to gain a competitive edge. This strategic focus on deal acceleration makes the sales process […]
There has never been more pressure on revenue teams than right now in this economic downturn. To succeed, revenue teams need to know what works and then scale those best practices across the organization. In order to make success repeatable, teams need to incorporate the best sales playbook examples into their playbook.  Just like no […]
In a time when 72% of reps expect to miss quota and 85% of sales leaders have no budget for headcount, it has never been more important to improve results from existing reps. And while investing in the right technology for sales reps is important, it’s just as important to ensure that sales managers have […]
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making significant strides in various industries, and sales is no exception. Introducing AI into the sales process has revolutionized the way businesses approach and manage their sales activities. By automating repetitive tasks, providing personalized recommendations, optimizing lead generation and more, AI is transforming the sales landscape in numerous ways. One […]
Everyone knows the shocking statistic about sales development reps forgetting 90% of their training within the first month, but few sales teams have a plan in place to combat this. Sales coaches don’t have enough time to repeat their entire onboarding training every month, and reps need to spend more of their time on revenue-driving […]
Reps often have just one shot at making a great first impression with a prospect, so making a good one is critical. But the research shows that 90% of training and coaching is forgotten in 30 days. That’s where Moments™ by Revenue.io comes in, allowing managers to teach something once and then scale that training […]
Coaching is one of the most impactful things you can do for your reps. And when you create a culture of coaching, reps stay longer and hit their quota more frequently, managers are able to provide better coaching and get more out of their teams, and organizations are able to hit their goals. In other […]
Don’t sell to meet quotas. Sell to solve problems. As Andy Paul (host of the wildly popular Sales Enablement Podcast) puts it, “The job of a seller is to listen to the buyer and understand which thing is most important to them, and then help them get that.”  And the only way to do that […]
Sales coaching is essential, and most sales professionals want more, no matter their experience level. Still, sales leaders and coaches say they are stretched thin, especially as more and more sales teams are working virtually.  Managing a sales team was essentially an in-person activity before the pandemic. Managers could walk around a room full of […]