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What’s the difference between an SDR, BDR, AE and CSM?  Sometimes it seems like the sales industry is full of more acronyms than the U.S. government. So if you’re confused about the differences between these roles, it’s understandable. To further confuse matters, if you go to two different companies, they might be calling the same […]
As the cost to acquire customers continues to increase and conversion rates continue to decrease, it’s never been more important to understand how to win, keep and grow customers. This necessity has given rise to an important movement in the last handful of years called Revenue Operations (RevOps).  What is Revenue Operations The definition of […]
When is the best time to make sales prospecting cold calls?  To find out, we launched a major study in 2019, mining call data from millions of sales calls to uncover which times of day are ideal for key sales activities, including the best time to make cold calls.  Below, we’ll reveal the results of […]
Artificial intelligence is already being used by sales organizations of all sizes to provide salespeople and managers with real-time guidance, increase productivity, prioritize leads and a variety of other critical sales functions. While some salespeople might be apprehensive about AI, fearing that it’s a “job replacer,” AI has the potential to be used as a […]
Bestselling author Chris Voss has negotiated some of the most difficult deals in history. As a lead negotiator for the FBI, he found himself in more than a few life-and-death situations. From his career in the FBI to his transition to being a business consultant, Voss consistently used a tactic to gain a powerful edge […]
What is the Definition of Inside Sales? The definition of inside sales refers to any type of sales that are handled remotely. Over the past decade, inside sales has come to be the dominant sales model for reps in B2B, tech, SaaS, and a variety of B2C industries selling high-ticket items. An inside sales model […]
In the wake of current events, working remotely has become the new normal. But even before the global crisis, working remotely was trending, with a 159% increase in remote work over the past 12 years. However, we are aware that a lot of companies have had phenomenal success with on-premises sales teams. And quickly migrating […]
Like most sales teams, you may be experiencing the challenge of shifting teams to remote work while ensuring that you don’t slow down revenue operations. This is something we at Revenue.io care a lot about. At least 25% of our workforce is often working remote at any time, and at the moment, our team is […]
What’s the average salary of an inside sales rep at a SaaS company? According to the latest research, the average salary of an inside sales rep at a SaaS company is $60K (Base Salary) and $118K total on-target earnings. Recruiting and hiring new reps is one of the biggest challenges facing inside sales leaders at SaaS […]
Years ago, back when I was prospecting at another company, I remember cold calling a lead four or five times before finally getting her on the phone. When I finally did, I realized that I knew nothing about what her company did or even what her role was at that company. After asking some potentially intrusive […]
Imagine if you could snap your fingers and give every sales rep on your team five extra hours to sell each day. Think how much more productive they could be. Some of the most successful sales operations managers have discovered how to control time, in a sense. By automating key processes, sales operations managers can increase […]
No two salespeople are exactly alike. But when you’ve spent enough time managing sales reps, you begin to notice patterns. There are some personality types that are common to most sales organizations. And one of the biggest mistakes that sales managers make is managing every rep the same. Inside sales reps with different personalities will […]