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What’s the difference between an SDR, BDR, AE and CSM?  Sometimes it seems like the sales industry is full of more acronyms than the U.S. government. So if you’re confused about the differences between these roles, it’s understandable. To further confuse matters, if you go to two different companies, they might be calling the same […]
Today’s sales environment is vastly different from what it was just a few years ago. Buyers, enabled by the internet, now do far more research prior to speaking with a salesperson and are more educated as a result. Buying committees are also larger, and now include an average of 6.8 or more stakeholders. This leaves […]
It’s not uncommon for star sales reps to be promoted or otherwise move into sales management. Unfortunately, top salespeople aren’t necessarily the best sales managers. The sales manager is a critical role, and you must select the right person for it. If the wrong individual is chosen, there may be significant costs to your organization. […]
Storytelling works in sales because humans experience life as one big story. Scholars like Walter Fischer, a USC professor and researcher, have been have been studying how we interpret our experiences and how that affects human communication for decades. The resulting theory, called the Narrative Paradigm, helps explain why humans are more often persuaded by […]
As a sales rep, even if you receive the greatest sales coaching ever from the best coach, it could still lead to failure. That’s because there is one quality that coaching plans cannot control: the coachability of the salesperson. It is for this reason that Richard Harris states that sales coaching starts at the hiring […]
Athletes are known for the pre-game rituals they use to prepare themselves for each game. These activities equip them to perform their best and (hopefully) win the game. Sales is no different. It’s important to prepare and be at the top of your game each day to ensure peak productivity. Your morning routine acts as […]
It’s easy to rely on “show and tell” when communicating with prospects, especially when reps are following a tried and tested sales process. When it comes to SaaS products for instance, a demo could involve a screen share where a rep jumps right into showing off the product by highlighting its main features. But what […]
In the United States, the average employer spends 52 days and $4,000 to hire a single employee. Additionally, the average ramp time is 90 days. Now add the cost of time spent by executives, managers, and HR staff during the recruiting, hiring, and onboarding process, and the money and time invested can become even greater. […]
We often are asked two related questions. First, does Revenue.io work with existing phone systems? Next, what needs to be in place to use Revenue.io? The answers are actually very simple: yes, and nothing. By design, Revenue.io is extremely easy to implement and can be integrated with your existing framework in a number of ways. […]
One of the most often examined metrics in any organization is customer retention, but have you ever considered the retention rate of your sales reps? Your sales team is one of your most valuable assets, and if you think about it, it’s your sales reps that earned you your customers in the first place. Turnover […]
By now, we all know that consistent coaching produces higher rep productivity. When coaching an inside sales team, call recordings are especially important for providing feedback during 1-on-1 coaching sessions and building a library of sharable best practice examples. Since coaching is essentially an ongoing conversation between coach and rep, how you communicate is key to […]
“Whatever dude.” [click] Just the other day, I answered our company’s general line with “Revenue.io, this is Kanwar how can I help you?” I was greeted by a prospecting sales rep on the other end. A rather disingenuous conversation followed, where I simply and repeatedly tried to gather who he was, where was he was […]