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Discovery calls are designed to find a buyer’s pain points, unearth priorities, and understand their needs. It’s your first chance to wow a buyer. It all starts with building trust and rapport. If you can’t do that, your deal will be dead in the water. That’s why getting discovery calls right is so important. The […]
The Moment of Discovery is Really the Discovery of the Question Jonas Salk was one of the greatest scientific minds in American history. He is most well known for discovering and developing the first safe and effective vaccine for polio. He once said “What people think of as the moment of discovery is really the […]
Every sales department has a standard list of discovery call questions they use to weed out disqualified leads and reveal their true buyers. Most commonly, the questions fall in line with their particular lead qualification framework, and cover factors like challenges, purchasing authority, budget, and decision-making process. The problem is that nearly every SDR uses […]
One tenth of a second, that’s just 100 milliseconds. According to research, it’s also how long it takes for someone to form their first impression of you. For what feels like decades, we’ve been taught that our first impression is the key moment that will absolutely make or break any relationship. But how is it […]
Steve Jobs may have left us seven years ago, but even to this day, the mere mention of his name sparks a range of responses. One of the many things Jobs was known for was his mastery of persuasion. The Walter Isaacson biography of Steve Jobs discusses the “reality distortion field” that was Jobs’ ability […]
In sales, the discovery phase involves smart questions and active listening skills. Any sales training will mention both. However, it is possible to ask questions and use sales listening skills without real empathy. Consider the data from a HubSpot Research study of B2B buyers and sellers: The #1 buyer expectation (69%) is a sales rep […]
Everyone in sales has likely made a discovery call at one time or another.  The discovery call is a crucial component of the sales process. It allows reps to qualify a prospect and gather information to be leveraged throughout the sales process in order to generate a win. However, not all discovery calls are created […]
For most SDRs, sales discovery calls are in fact the most important sales activity. Sure, emails and social outreach are vital, but conversations with prospects are the only way to differentiate yourself in an increasingly crowded marketplace. The better you know your prospects, their colleagues and their unique needs, the better chance you have of winning their business. I’ve […]